Ammonia emissions are already at "super high levels" NIEA officials told MLAs at Stormont
Over half of licensed treatment plants discharge wastewater that does not always meet the standards set in wastewater discharge licences to protect the environment, an EPA found last week.
Uisce Éireann has been prosecuted following the discharge of poorly treated sewage into the Owengarve River.
Tipperary Co-op was found to have permitted or caused a harmful a discharge into the River Ara near Tipperary town.
Rural dwellers will still be able to burn turf as a form of solid fuel.
ICMSA president claims that the State and Uisce Éireann have adopted a 'sure these things happen' attitude to water pollution incidents.
The EPA has said that two decades is too long to wait to fix Ireland’s deficient wastewater treatment plants.
Solving the problem issue of algae blooms in Lough Neagh will be a long term process.
The report separately noted that ammonia levels in the effluent discharge of the Ballysadare wastewater treatment plant exceeded licence limits in recent years and for some periods in 2024.