Modular homes – if done right – could be the sticking plaster that might just stick.
A 91ac farm in Co Offaly with a farm yard and derelict house has recently come on the market. All in one block, the property is served by an excellent road network.
Insights on how to invest wisely, whatever your age.
With regard to planning laws we have to accept that there is a bigger picture, writes Katherine O'Leary.
Environmental restrictions are often a stumbling block to those trying to build a one-off home, frustrating people who want to stay in their own locality, and contributing to a declining population.
Frustration over a planning process that has restricted rural housing in recent years is leading to implications for the price and availability of sites across the country, writes Jacqueline Hogge.
The legal and practical aspects to consider when building or renovating, writes Aisling Meehan.
A new eight-week series on building a house in rural Ireland begins with Irish Country Living looking at all the factors that farming families need to consider when planning a home.
A small holding in the centre of Rathanna in Co Carlow is going for auction in the middle of February, writes Tommy Moyles.
Meath’s green fields inspired Mark to pursue career to protect the environment
Former Meath hurler and senior engineer Mark O’Sullivan is part of a team working to bring more renewables on to the electricity grid.