Nutrient testing of pig slurry crucial
Kelsey Daly
Slurry testing is crucial to determine what nutrients are being taken on to farms.
Timing crucial for water quality when applying fertiliser - Burgess
When it comes to putting out phosphorus or slurry, timing could be more important than the amount spread, a Lakeland Dairies farm walk heard.
13 March 2024 Farm machinery
Making the most of machine settings for tillage cultivations
Most modern machinery has a significant amount of adjustment capability. These adjustments are seldom utilised but they are there for a purpose to help you do a better job. Andy Doyle reports.
Can poultry manure replace bag fertiliser on tillage farms?
Teagasc poultry adviser Rebecca Tierney chats with Teagasc crops adviser John Mahon about the uses and value of poultry manure as a fertiliser.
4 February 2024 Fertilizers
Livestock can be integrated with arable crops
David Wright reports from the annual conference for arable growers, organised by the Ulster Arable Society, Ulster Farmers’ Union and CAFRE.
31 January 2024 Northern Ireland
Farmers urged to manage slurry properly
A recent CAFRE open day focused on making best use of livestock slurry on farms this spring. Kieran Mailey reports.
24 January 2024 Northern Ireland
Farmers reminded on extended buffer zones for slurry spreading
For the two weeks after the closed period, buffer zones around watercourses double to 10m.
20 January 2024 Management
Organic manures at arable conference
The annual agronomy and business management conference for arable growers takes place on Thursday, 25 January.
17 January 2024 Northern Ireland