A large amount of cereals are imported from Northern Ireland and Britain into Ireland, but production is down.
The sold-out event brought together 180 organic farmers, those in conversion and others interested in organic farming from across the country.
Teagasc outlined extremely wet months of weather in October, November, February, March and April as one of the major factors affecting planting and crop yields.
Barry Larkin of Acorn Independent Merchants said rewarding grain growers for top-quality grain with a low carbon footprint is not an easy nut to crack.
Premium crops are a very important part of this tillage farm business in Co Waterford.
Organic oat grower and suckler farmer Eoghan O’Sullivan recently won the Flahavan's organic oat grower of the year award.
The announcement was made by Flahavan’s after an independent judging process by agronomist and cereals specialist Ciaran Collins.
While this autumn has been a huge improvement in being able to get crops established, it had been an expensive summer.
Centenary Thurles Co-operative has announced its base grain prices, along with a bonus on high bushel barley and oats.