Northern Ireland
More water quality rules needed - Muir
Peter McCann
The current NAP includes rules around closed periods for spreading slurry and fertiliser, as well as minimum slurry storage requirements.
10 July 2024 News
Measures to improve water quality must be implemented at scale - EPA
There must be “significant improvements” in nitrogen use efficiencies to reduce the nitrogen surplus, the Oireachtas committee on agriculture heard on Wednesday evening.
26 June 2024 Markets
IFJ Junior: what’s the beef with your burger?
Apart from beef and milk, cows and cattle provide the ingredients for a multitude of by-products like shampoo, writes Adam Woods.
Without farmers, research gathers dust
The challenges around surplus phosphorus, ammonia and methane are particularly important in a Northern Ireland scenario.
19 June 2024 Viewpoints
UFU pushes back on Muir’s plans for NIEA
The farm lobby organisation has warned that more enforcement will be counterproductive.
19 June 2024 Northern Ireland
Prawn shells can stop algal blooms in NI
Chitosan has binding properties which could be used to treat blue-green algae that has grown in Lough Neagh, a committee of MLAs has been told.
12 June 2024 Northern Ireland
Lough Neagh action plan with Stormont ministers
A report and action plan for Lough Neagh has been finalised by a group of experts led by DAERA.
12 June 2024 Northern Ireland
INHFA survey highlights concerns regarding fertiliser regulations
Just 27% of farmers polled for the INHFA survey described themselves as “very aware” of the new rules.
9 June 2024 News
Major campaign launched to up farmers' focus on water quality
The campaign focuses on eight actions farmers can take to reduce the risk of impacting on water quality.
Government outlines roadmap to AD development
The long-awaited National Biomethane Strategy contains 25 measures aimed at making it easier and viable to produce vast amounts of renewable biomethane gas from agriculturally fed AD plants.
29 May 2024 News
Nutrients remain in Lough Neagh for 40 years
Scientists from the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute spoke about Lough Neagh during an online event last week.
24 April 2024 Northern Ireland
Dairy management: how much fertiliser to spread when the weather improves?
Aidan Brennan looks at the amount of fertiliser that should be applied on grazing ground and silage ground when the weather improves.
10 April 2024 Management