Northern Ireland
Don’t forget soil training, farmers told
David Wright
Farmers in NI must complete training associated with the soil nutrient health scheme
25 September 2024 Management
Beef Management: liming, slurry dates and SCEP training courses
Adam Woods takes a look at liming land, slurry closing dates and teh upcoming SCEP courses which farmers have to complete to get payment.
24 September 2024 Management
Autumn lime spreading to tee up grassland for spring
Lime can take four to six months to correct soil pH, so an autumn application can set up grassland for growth next spring.
Concerns raised about SNHS advice
Applying nutrients to high nature value land could have unintended consequences, a leading ecologist has suggested.
4 September 2024 Northern Ireland
Tillage Management: oilseed rape, crop diversification and lime
Farmers will be harvesting, planting and sorting out cropping plans in the coming weeks.
14 August 2024 Husbandry
Dairy management: How to fix the shock in the electric fencer
Aidan Brennan looks at some of the options for improving the shock in the electric fencer, along with the importance of lime and taking a holiday.
7 August 2024 Management
Dairy Management: an ideal time for lime
Now that second-cut silage is nearly done, it’s an ideal time to correct pH deficiencies on grassland farms, writes Aidan Brennan.
5 August 2024 Management
Reseeding opportunities in July
July is a good month to reseed less-productive swards on suckler farms, with plenty of time for new grass to establish before autumn.
2 July 2024 Management
Further extension to Liming Programme deadline announced
Farmers now have until Thursday 31 October 2024 to spread lime purchased under the National Liming Programme.
13 June 2024 News
Understanding N and P losses and how to avoid them
The new EPA map shows the status of all waterbodies in the country and identifies areas of concern.
12 June 2024 News
Extension to liming scheme deadline needed - IFA
According to the IFA, there are areas in which only 20-30% of prepaid lime has been delivered and spread to date, which was described as "concerning".
11 June 2024 News
Watch: this week in photos - farmers get on with fieldwork
Our top farming photos from the past week include farmers planting potatoes, feeding and moving stock, sowing grass seed, applying lime, spreading urea, some mart action and more.
12 May 2024 News