Katherine O'Leary: maybe next year we might have some normal seasons
Katherine O'Leary
There is a lot of talk around kitchen tables about this difficult summer. As costs continue to rise due to the weather, we can only hope for better next year, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine O'Leary: ‘Suisha Inclusive Arts is Diarmuid’s magic space’
A production by Suisha Inclusive Arts, is a reminder that people with disabilities have the right to choose where they live, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine O'Leary: whatever the black cloud, we can get out from under it
When my family suggested having a party for my 65th birthday, a good memory helped me to acquiesce and enjoy the day, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine O'Leary: Groundhog Day - the cancer is back and I feel broken
I could not write about this before now. The cancer is back. By the time you read this, I will have received my third round of new chemotherapy, writes Katherine O’Leary.
12 June 2024 Katherine O'Leary
Katherine O'Leary: ‘I leave Bloom inspired, with my green fingers itching’
A prize-winning modular container garden at the annual festival was an inspiring space full of possibilities, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine O'Leary: I love to be rocking when the Boss takes to the stage
Music brings people together and Bruce Springsteen holds a special power to really connect with his audience, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine O'Leary: 'if the infection is severe, an animal can lose their sight’
Monitoring is critical when there is a change in an animal’s diet, such as the move to grass. The next hurdle is preventing summer scour, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine O'Leary: my heart skips a beat when I see the lights on next door
Tolerance and respect are necessary to allow any relationship to flourish and I continue to work on them with my own family as we begin a new era, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine O'Leary: ‘I first met my mother-in-law Lil, 46 years ago’
Lil O’Leary died this week at the age of 96. She will be fondly remembered by her family, her 17 grandchildren and five great grandchildren, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine's Country: it’s important to build trust with your animals
De-horning is the first tough thing we have to do to calves. It is possible to do it pain free without any trauma, preserving the relationship between calf and farmer, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Katherine's Country: new systems need good service people on call
The warmer days have come with a new sense of positivity – even when there was a problem with the feeding station, we kept our cool to find the solution, writes Katherine O’Leary.
24 April 2024 Katherine O'Leary
Katherine's Country: it is important to explain our suffering to non-farmers
Wet weather is creating a mounting crisis – we need to keep the message simple when explaining the impact of rain on our livelihood, writes Katherine O’Leary.
17 April 2024 Katherine O'Leary