Removing ash dieback plantations costs €5,800/ha
Declan O’Brien
The cost of clearing infected ash plantations this year varied from €2,600/ha to €11,000/ha.
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Hackett's 'constructive engagement' taskforce comments spark furious reaction
Forestry grower groups accuse the the Minister of State of engaging in 'spin'.
15 May 2024 News
Some growers ‘dead and buried’ before receiving all ash dieback monies - IFO
It was revealed this week that the ash dieback compensation payment will not be a lump sum.
Mixed farmer reaction to ash dieback package
The new Climate Action Performance Payment of €5,000/ha is being paid to plantation owners who have joined the Department of Agriculture’s ash dieback reconstitution schemes.
1 May 2024 News
Galway clearfell refusal sets 'dangerous precedent'
The Irish Forest Owners expressed concern that the entry of local authorities into forestry decision-making may disproportionately burden small-scale operators.
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