Health: who is falling between the care cracks?
Margaret Hawkins
Cancer care has come a long way but there are still major inequalities, writes Margaret Hawkins.
8 May 2024 Health
Health: hospital car parking charges add insult to injury
The charges for parking your car can add to the financial stress of illness. A cap on charges was recommended by Government back in 2020 but has yet to be implemented, writes Margaret Hawkins.
1 May 2024 Health
Scoliosis scandal: ‘It’s been so heartbreaking to see Liam disintegrate'
The curve in his spine has now passed 85 degrees, causing severe pain and making him sicker as time goes on. Margaret Hawkins talks to Kerry mother Pam Dennehy about her son Liam’s condition.
How surviving a stroke led to helping others
Sinéad Lucey Brennan suffered a stroke at the age of 28. Eight years on, she is an advocate for those with disabilities, visible and hidden, writes Margaret Hawkins.
13 March 2024 Health
Ciaran Mullooly: the doctor might not see you any time soon
The doctor will see you now… or will they? The search for a GP in rural Ireland is a tricky business, writes Ciaran Mullooly.
31 January 2024 Living Life