In pictures: store lambs off to a flyer in Plumbridge
Kieran Mailey
The first store lamb sale of 2024 in Plumbridge Mart got off to a flyer, with a big turnout of buyers hungry for stock.
12 June 2024 Markets
Good demand for spring lamb in Kenmare
Kenmare mart manager, Dan McCarthy had a spring in his step following his recent re-election to Kerry Co council and a good start to spring lamb trade.
22 May 2024 Markets
NI Trends: beef trade remains on solid footing; marts set pace on lambs
There is little change to beef prices in Northern Ireland, as demand remains solid. Lambs are also steady, with marts returning higher prices.
Camera at the Mart: exporters drive lamb trade in Dowra
There was a lightning trade for lambs and hoggets, with competition boosted by live export buying and demand outstripping supplies.
22 May 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: exporters light up lamb trade in Tuam
Adam Woods reports from Tuam Mart’s general sheep sale on Tuesday of this week.
22 May 2024 Markets
Lambs holding firm as hogget supplies plummet
Fat lambs are a solid trade in NI with little movement on prices, although hoggets are getting harder to source
22 May 2024 Northern Ireland
NI Trends: prime cattle quotes increase to 468p/kg; lamb prices rebound
There are positive price trends for finished cattle and sheep in Northern Ireland this week, with quotes rising and deals on offer.
15 May 2024 Markets
Lamb prices rebound as plants reverse cuts
Tight supplies and a strong live trade has seen factories reversing last week's cuts to lamb prices.
15 May 2024 Northern Ireland
Camera at the Mart: smaller numbers but strong prices in Ballina
Mayo-Sligo Mart's Tuesday sheep sale has approached its annual lull in numbers, with the transition from hoggets to spring lambs, but prices remain firm.
8 May 2024 Markets
NI Trends: cattle prices slowly edging upwards; lamb trade under pressure
There are positives within the beef trade across Northern Ireland, although lambs are under pressure as quotes ease.
8 May 2024 Markets
Surge in NI sheep exports to Britain
Exports of sheep from Northern Ireland to Britain are up 83% year-on-year.
Factories move to cut sheep prices
Sheep processors are applying price pressure on hoggets and lambs ahead of the May bank holiday weekend.