Martbids Database: heavy cattle hold firm but lighter stock a tougher trade
Martin Merrick
While heavy factory-fit and forward types are holding firm in the ring, lighter or plainer stock are starting to slip in price.
12 June 2024 Markets
Bull weanlings bolster trade in Balla
While good quality types met with solid demand overall, autumn born weanlings turned out early were the real highlight of the trade.
17 April 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: first-calvers call for strong trade in Corrin
Shanon Kinahan reports from the Lisduff sale in Cork Marts Corrin last Friday.
Martbids Database: cattle trade eases a little
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s cattle trade, including what’s happening in the country’s marts.
3 April 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: keen appetite for quality stores in Carndonagh
Continental heifers weighing 320kg to 430kg attracted the most attention, while cows remain a vibrant trade, averaging €2.51/kg and selling for up to €2.99/kg.
3 April 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: heifer prices skyrocket at Roscrea fatstock
Shanon Kinahan reports on the annual Roscrea fatstock show and sale of heifers where record prices were achieved for heavy heifers.
10 January 2024 Markets