Northern Ireland
£46m for new agri-food processor grant scheme
David Wright
The agri-food investment initiative will be open for applications until the end of 2025
24 July 2024 News
Forty-six apply for new €40m AD grant
The €40m fund aims to support the construction of the first handful of new anaerobic digestion plants in Ireland.
9 July 2024 News
Minister Heydon announces €22.3m in new research grants
Total grant aid under the 2023 thematic call now stands at €46m - the largest ever funding for a Department of Agriculture research call.
State grant aided 288,000ha of forestry since the 1980s
Just six forestry owners received Department grants across a combined 8,700ha of forests.
3 July 2024 News
Editorial: first-time buyers encouraged to avail of the VPRG
The Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant has proved to be so popular, there are now too-shoots schemes to encourage more to sign up, writes Ciara Leahy.
3 July 2024 Editorial
Q&A: the new €5,000 grant for old farmhouses
A new grant is available which covers some of the cost of tailored conservation advice on how to bring old farmhouses back to life.
2 July 2024 Schemes
New €5,000 grant for advice on renovating old farmhouses
A new scheme has been rolled out by the Department of Housing which could support those looking to renovate old farmhouses. Grace Hoare reports.
1 July 2024 News
Over 8,000 applications to the vacant house grant
As of the start of June, 375 applicants have drawn the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant, writes Ciara Leahy.
12 June 2024 News
Farm families reminded of upcoming SUSI grant deadlines
The priority closing dates for the SUSI grant are Thursday 6 June for grant renewals and Thursday 11 July for new grant applications.
5 June 2024 News
Biomethane strategy due this week with €40m package
The €40m package, first announced in March by Minister McConalogue, must be drawn down from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan by 2025.
27 May 2024 News
Farm Tech Talk: demand for lambs, beef trade and slurry storage
Exporter demand for lambs, mixed messages in the beef trade and slurry storage all feature on this week's Farm Tech Talk.
24 May 2024 News
Ash dieback package to boost replanting activity
An upsurge in activity is expected to remove and replant much of the 20,000ha of diseased ash plantations in the country that have not been removed to date.
8 May 2024 News