Market Digest: stories from around the world
Phelim O'Neill
Brief news snippets from Australia, United States, Vietnam and Bolivia.
18 September 2024 News
Some retailers didn’t comply with Regulator's request for data
Failure by some to give the regulator information required triggers a request to the minister for extended powers.
18 September 2024 News
Agri-food regulator legislation falls short
The chair of the Agri-Food Regulator has written to the minister stating it requires powers of compellability to do its job.
Mercosur trade deal looks inevitable
The Mercosur trade deal has been agreed since 2019, but it looks like it will begin the ratification process early in the incoming European Commission's term.
15 September 2024 News
Brexit costs start to bite as work starts in Holyhead
Irish exports to Britain have avoided Brexit inspection costs so far, but that will change with a new facility being built in Holyhead.
13 September 2024 News
South Korea - a slow burn for Irish beef
Another new market opens for Irish beef, but past experience suggests that impact will take time.
11 September 2024 News
Market Digest: stories from around the world
Brief news snippets from Canada, Bolivia, New Zealand and Angola.
11 September 2024 World
Millions continue to face hunger
Latest UN FAO report reveals that for third successive year no progress has been made on reducing world hunger
21 August 2024 News
Foyle Food Group reaps the benefit of investment in further processing
After a dip in 2022, Foyle Food Group holdings 2023 accounts show a big increase in profits.
21 August 2024 News
Surge in Mercosur beef production
South American cattle production increased by more than the total annual kill in Ireland, with most of the increase in Brazil.
18 August 2024 News
US beef exports down in first half of 2024
Tighter cattle supply and strong competition from Australia and Brazil squeeze US beef export volumes for first half of 2024.
16 August 2024 News
Market Digest: stories from around the world
Brief news snippets from Brazil, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.
14 August 2024 World