Agri Careers: funding to support further study in rural development
Sarah McIntosh
A new initiative is being rolled out in partnership with third-level colleges to encourage graduates to continue their education and careers in rural development, writes Sarah McIntosh.
8 June 2024 Careers
Funding for regenerative tourism projects in the midlands
Final call for private and community businesses with an idea for tourism projects to apply for Fáilte Ireland’s Regenerative Tourism Scheme, writes Sarah McIntosh
22 May 2024 Features
Nature calls: taking a walk on the wild side
Ireland’s national Walks Scheme recently saw its biggest expansion to date; but valuing farmers’ contribution as custodians of the land has been key to its success, writes Maria Moynihan.
Spending your VPRG grant
With up to €50,000 available through the Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant, we list the works that qualify and how much you can get, writes Tommy Moyles.
3 April 2024 Consumer
Irish Cancer Society calls for public support this Daffodil Day
The Irish Cancer Society are calling for public support amid rising demand for key services, writes Grace Hanna.
22 March 2024 Craft
€4.5m investment to support rural third-level campuses
Minister Simon Harris announces new 'Distributed Campus Support Fund' to strengthen and support regional development in higher education institutions, writes Sarah McIntosh
22 February 2024 News
Mullooly Matters
An Post bursts the tyres with closures after the State makes a new rural wheel, writes Ciaran Mullooly.
21 February 2024 Blog