An excellent line up of speakers are confirmed on two very important subjects - family planning /inheritance and family health and wellbeing.
Embrace FARM is a support network for farm families affected by sudden death or serious injury and it currently provides a range of practical and emotional support to over 550 Irish farm families.
The event at the Eikon Exhibition Centre near Lisburn was part of a UK-wide campaign to overturn changes to agricultural property relief from inheritance tax.
Food and farming is not the only sector challenged, however, it is a sector that creates so much employment where other businesses would not survive.
Britain’s National Farmers’ Union (NFU) set up an online petition in response to changes to Agricultural Property Relief (APR) and Business Property Relief (BPR) announced by the British government.
An Taoiseach addressed a major IFA farming and food summit on Thursday.
A tax-free threshold of £1m will be available to agricultural properties, with a 20% tax rate applying to the value of assets after that.
The grant aid for a second robot was a popular, if niche announcement, while the pledge to open ACRES to new entrants will have wider appeal.
Cork’s Breeda Horgan from Cork helped farm families fight evictions during her decades-long contribution to the IFA.