Beef Trends: more positivity in trade
Adam Woods
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest factory quotes for factory-finished cattle.
27 May 2024 News
Tight supplies to drive beef prices - IFA
The tide has turned in terms of beef prices, with factory agents ordered to leave no cattle behind amid an anticipated tightening of numbers.
22 May 2024 News
EU buyers keep solid floor on calf prices
A later than usual turnout of calves, combined with strong demand from continental buyers, has resulted in the number of calves being shipped being higher than usual for the time of year.
New Zealand trade deal comes into effect
Increased access for New Zealand dairy, beef and sheepmeat to EU markets kicks in, but at much lower levels than in its deal with the UK.
3 May 2024 News
Diesel price affects production and distribution costs
Rising diesel prices increase costs for farmers and exporters alike and it looks like the trend will continue.
5 April 2024 News
Beef Trends: quotes creeping upwards
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest factory quotes for finished animals.
27 March 2024 Markets
Rises in beef price must continue – IFA
The IFA is urging farmers to "sell hard" as factories try to fill orders to meet demand and say that the price rises of 10c/kg that were seen last week must continue.
22 March 2024 News
EU sheepmeat production continues to fall
The latest figures released by the European Commission show EU sheepmeat production falling by 5.9% or 25,719t for the first 10 months of 2023.
13 January 2024 Markets
Sheepmeat imports fall by 2,734t or 36% in 2023
The latest data available for the period January to November shows a sharp decline in import volumes from Britain and Northern Ireland.
10 January 2024 Markets