IFJ Junior: Irish dairy - is it about volume or value?
Aidan Brennan
Aidan Brennan takes a look at some of the key products manufactured by Irish dairy processors and looks to the future product mix.
5 June 2024 Features
Desperate farmhusband: a whole lotta bull
Do you think about ‘hybrid vigour’ in your day-to-day life? Our Desperate Farmhusband does (maybe a bit too much), but such is breeding season on an Irish dairy farm.
29 May 2024 News
Land, sea, milk, biscuits: what makes French butter so special?
The people of Brittany take their butter very seriously – so seriously, their entire regional cuisine is based around it, writes Janine Kennedy.
Desperate Farmwife: Clarkson is not alone in ‘farming the unfarmed’
Jeremy Clarkson did not invent ‘farming the unfarmed’ – Irish women on farms have been masters at it for centuries, writes our Desperate Farmwife, as she looks forward to continuing the tradition.
22 May 2024 Features
Desperate Farmhusband: it takes a village to raise a farm
A late-night calving emergency makes our Desperate Farmhusband realise how lucky he is to have the support of his farm vet, and others around him.
24 April 2024 Features
Desperate Farmhusband: blessed is he among women
Dairy farmers spend their careers wanting more women for their herd while hoping for a boy to carry on the family name. Our Desperate Farmhusband doesn’t feel that way
27 March 2024 Features
Desperate Farmwife: I think nipple confusion is just my lot in life
Ever try to give a newborn calf a bottle? Our Desperate Farmwife is in the thick of calving season.
20 March 2024 Features
Desperate Farmhusband: new cows and auld tricks
When our Desperate Farmhusband needs a solution to a farming problem, he likes to go to the AFN, otherwise known as the Auld Farmers Network, for the answers he needs.
21 February 2024 Features
Desperate Farmwife: January's for the birds
Our Desperate Farmwife's 'Desperately Misunderstood Farm Husband' is back... and he has way too much time on his hands before calving starts.
17 January 2024 Features