Two pairs of the wild cats have been released in the Scottish Highlands this week, with one couple recaptured.
SUBSCRIBER ONLY“I’m a big believer in the ripple effect and when people see an old building repaired, they look at their own yard,” Anna Meenan of the Heritage Council told Caitríona Morrissey.
Lough Ree is Ireland's number one hotspot for breeding waterbirds, such as the curlew, lapwing, redshank and oystercatcher.
Some 3,435 applicants had entered the Turf Cutting Compensation Scheme by the end of last year.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service snapped up over 3,000ac of land last year, with more land deals in the works.
The scheme was launched by Minister for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, with up to €600,000 in funding available for community-led projects.
Minister of State for nature Malcolm Noonan announces plans to purchase island on Lough Ree for strategic management of breeding waders.
At the annual Farming for Nature event, farmers expressed differing views on ACRES.
The funding is part of a combined €11.1m in funding which will be allocated to grant schemes.
The initiative aims to give farmers an opportunity to enhance their ACRES payments by engaging in accessible and impactful environmental actions.