Ash Dieback Scheme 'shambolic' - Kerrane
Niamh Murphy
Sinn Féin TD Claire Kerrane has said that despite changes made to the Ash Dieback Scheme, it is "not workable" and called on Minister Hackett to make the scheme "workable".
2 May 2024 News
Minister must provide clarity on phosphorus-related penalties - Kerrane
Claire Kerrane of Sinn Féin has asked Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue to provide clarity and communication on phosphorus-related penalties.
1 May 2024 News
Ash dieback scheme a ‘step in right direction’ but questions remain - Sinn Féin
Additional supports for farmers and forestry owners affected by ash dieback is a step in the right direction, Claire Kerrane has said.
Commission on future of family farm proposed by Sinn Féin
Sinn Féin wants to establish a commission on the future of the family farm, which would bring together stakeholders and experts to ensure the survival of family farms.
17 April 2024 News
Sinn Féin calls on Minister to outline response to fodder shortage
Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on agriculture said there have been warnings about a possible fodder shortage in recent months and this is now the case for farmers in certain parts of the country.
25 March 2024 News
‘Farmers have nothing to fear from the Nature Restoration Law’ - Minister Noonan
Speaking as part of a Dáil debate on the Nature Restoration Law, Minister Malcolm Noonan said farmers should see measures under the legislation as an opportunity.
7 March 2024 News
Buffer zones in active turbary areas should not affect ACRES - Kerrane
In recent weeks, the issue around active turf cutting in turbary areas on commonages and the impact that would have on ACRES payments arose again.
4 March 2024 News
Government 'sleepwalking' forestry sector into disaster - Kerrane
Those involved in forestry are worried that afforestation rules under the new forestry programme will limit their ability to plant trees, Sinn Féin TD Claire Kerrane has said.
26 February 2024 News
Minister must deliver interim ACRES payments by end of month - Kerrane
Deputy Claire Kerrane said Minister Charlie McConalgue, in the Dáil this Thursday, reiterated his commitment to delivering all interim ACRES payments by the close of February.
22 February 2024 News
'More clarity' needed on impact of rewetting
The Sinn Féin spokesperson believes that the economic impact assessment of rewetting is overdue.
21 February 2024 News
Nitrates derogation has to be retained - Kerrane
Farmers will be impacted if we lose the derogation, but they're not the only ones impacting on water quality, Claire Kerrane holds.
21 February 2024 News
Sinn Féin wants full convergence in next CAP
In the second part of a wide-ranging interview, Claire Kerrane shares her views on convergence, rewetting and the nitrates derogation.
21 February 2024 News