Such were the prices paid for export-type weanlings that other strong prices paled in comparison.
SUBSCRIBER ONLYWhere farmers have forward stores and are considering the merits of finishing animals, doing a budget is recommended.
Each year the Irish Farmers Journal analyses the combined performance of the three largest factory groups across each category.
Prime cattle prices keep edging up, while factories have made attempts to cut hogget prices in Northern Ireland.
Prime cattle prices in NI are running more than 60p/kg above the equivalent week in January 2024.
Buying demand for fat cattle has never been stronger with a bumper trade at the weekly sale in Ballymena Mart. Kieran Mailey reports
The beef trade continues to see prices rising week on week, while hogget prices are also moving upwards.
The beef trade has seen further increases in factory prices this week, as well as the live trade, while hoggets are also edging upwards in value.
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But market analysts cautioned that consumers’ shift away from expensive premium beef cuts, both at home and abroad, shows that retail meat sales remain extremely price sensitive.