Tillage Podcast: varieties, carbon and prices
Siobhán Walsh
This week, we hear about being paid for low-carbon barley, new varieties and have all the tillage news from this week’s paper.
FarmPEAT: the farmed peat pilot scheme
A pilot project operating in the midlands gives an insight into some of the measures farmers on peat soils could deploy for carbon farming income.
Soil type key to carbon farming income potential
Clay content is a key determinant of a soil's potential to hold carbon into the long term.
Farmers can claim and sell carbon credits - EU official
A senior Commission maintains that selling carbon credits outside of the farming sector will not impact the sector's emissions reduction targets.
26 June 2024 News
Price bonus offered for carbon-certified barley
Some farmers are paid for taking part in sustainability and regenerative agriculture programmes. However, some are not paid, but receive soil sampling or seed.
26 June 2024 News
Carbon counting is not without pitfalls, farmers warned
A Teagasc conference heard that expectations on carbon farming should be managed to avoid over-promising its income opportunities to farmers.
Without farmers, research gathers dust
The challenges around surplus phosphorus, ammonia and methane are particularly important in a Northern Ireland scenario.
19 June 2024 Viewpoints
EU imports from South America also increase global warming
Importing beef into the EU from Mercosur countries will increase global warming, writes Dr Myles Rath, formerly of the UCD School of Agriculture.
19 June 2024 Viewpoints
Tillage needs investment to play its part in sustainable Irish agriculture
The tillage sector can play a key role in making Irish agriculture more sustainable and environmentally friendly, writes Siobhán Walsh.
19 June 2024 News
10 key takeaways from the National Biomethane Strategy
The National Biomethane Strategy gave a clear insight into the Government’s vision for an agricultural-based anaerobic digestion sector and how it will achieve it, writes Stephen Robb.
5 June 2024 News
Teagasc event highlights benefit of trees for water quality
The event, which was held in Teagasc Moorepark, was particularly focused on the 3ha of native woodland established on the farm in 2023.
29 May 2024 News
Productivity increases best way to reduce livestock emissions - Mitloehner
Professor Frank Mitloehner outlined the top measures to reduce emissions from livestock farming globally.
24 May 2024 News