Agri Careers: equine student off to a flying start
Sarah McIntosh
Equine student Ivanna Dempsey is one of 12 people in the world to receive this year’s Godolphin Flying Start class diploma, writes Sarah McIntosh.
8 May 2024 Careers
Agri Careers: ‘biotechnology is a growing area globally’
A demand from industry has led to the development of a new course in biotechnology at Technological University Dublin, writes Sarah McIntosh.
31 January 2024 Education
CAO application deadline imminent
Students who have not yet completed their CAO application are urged to do so immediately, as the application deadline is 1 February at 5pm, writes Sarah McIntosh.
Education 2024: your guide to making the right decisions
The CAO applications are open so it's time for students to decide on what their next steps will be, writes Sarah McIntosh.
17 January 2024 Education
Education 2024: HEAR and DARE - breaking down barriers
An important part of the CAO for any student entitled to additional support is the HEAR and DARE admission schemes as they break down barriers to third level education, writes Sarah McIntosh.
17 January 2024 News
Education 2024: alternative routes to careers in agriculture
With the increase in the number of apprenticeships and further education courses on offer across Ireland, students can discover different pathways into Agri food related careers, writes Sarah McIntosh
17 January 2024 Education