Northern Ireland
2024 grass yields down 18% in NI
Peter McCann
Across all GrassCheck farms in Northern Ireland, the average grass yield is 12% lower than 2023 levels
19 June 2024 Viewpoints
Without farmers, research gathers dust
The challenges around surplus phosphorus, ammonia and methane are particularly important in a Northern Ireland scenario.
Red clover sward driving yields on Tyrone farm
A ZeroNsile project managed by AgriSearch aims to explore the potential to grow grass silage swards without N fertiliser.
Difficult start for red clover project
The ZeroNsile project run by AgriSearch involves 12 farmers across various parts of NI.
6 March 2024 Northern Ireland
News round-up from Northern Ireland
Weekly round-up of news from the farming industry in Northern Ireland.
21 February 2024 Northern Ireland