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David Bourke, owner of High Hopes Hiking changed career direction and now is on a mission to share the magic of the mountains with hikers of all ages and experiences, writes Sarah McIntosh.
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It’s time to rejuvenate and shape the upcoming season of growth in the kitchen garden and beyond, writes Kitty Scully.
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Dreading going to work each morning? Toxic workplaces can affect your mental health, so it’s important to set, and maintain, boundaries, writes Margaret Hawkins.
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It can be hard to stay upbeat in moments of chaos and tension. Here are some expert tips on navigating disagreements at Christmas time, writes Rosalind Skillen.
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This Christmas, prioritise wellbeing and fun. Check out our tips from health professionals, writes Margaret Hawkins.
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A heartbroken reader seeks Miriam's advice on whether she should go on a holiday she booked for her and her boyfriend before he broke up with her.
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It’s important to find a policy which suits your needs as well as your budget, writes Margaret Barrett.
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Do not give the unwanted gift of food-borne illness to friends and family this year, writes Janine Kennedy.
A reader seeks Miriam's advice on how to deal with her husband's problem drinking over the Christmas period.
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