Dedicated Dairy Farming News

Farmers urged to stay vigilant for bluetongue
Noel Bardon
Importers must abide by livestock isolation protocols to help ensure the disease is not introduced to Ireland.
26 July 2024 News
Uncertainty for farmers as Irish nitrates case referred to Europe, says IFA
A high court judge referred the case about the legality of Ireland’s NAP, which governs the nitrates derogation, to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) this week.
25 July 2024 News
Farmers can now access N and P statements up to June
The interim statements have been calculated off existing excretion figures and not the ones proposed by the Department of Agriculture earlier this year.
€105,000 knocked off dairy incomes in 2023
The average dairy income came in at €49,400 last year, a €105,000 reduction on the year before.
24 July 2024 News
New research project to examine calf welfare
Earlier this month, Minister for State Martin Heydon announced funding of €22.3m for the 21 different new research projects.
24 July 2024 News
NI milk league: Milk prices slowly edging upwards
Higher base prices has seen monthly and rolling 12 month average milk prices slowly edging upwards in Northern Ireland.
24 July 2024 Northern Ireland
New 70% slurry storage grant to open
The European Commission approved the 70% slurry storage grant scheme back in April.
24 July 2024 News
Three co-ops lift June milk prices
The latest processors to raise last month's milk prices have been Dairygold, Tirlán and Carbery.
24 July 2024 News
High sustainability credentials ingrained on these dairy farms
The five participants in the Kerry Agribusiness milk quality and sustainability awards have been selected based on the quality and the sustainability credentials of their milk.
24 July 2024 Milk quality
Irish nitrates case referred to EU Court of Justice
Challenge by An Taisce against Ireland's nitrates action programme raises significant issues of European law, a high court judge has said.
24 July 2024 News
Over 32,000 TB reactors removed in year up to June
The Department’s TB figures continue to show a worsening of the disease’s trends in herds.
22 July 2024 News
Department still gathering evidence in calf welfare investigation
All mart premises which featured in the programme which was aired in July 2023 have been visited by the Department of Agriculture.
21 July 2024 News